JASON in Publications
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
“From NMR to AI: Do We Need 1H NMR Experimental Spectra to Obtain High-Quality logD Prediction Models?”
Arkadiusz Leniak, Wojciech Pietruś, Aleksandra Świderska, Rafał Kurczab
Chemical Science
“Leveraging a reduced polyoxomolybdate-alkoxide cluster for the formation of a stable U(v) sandwich complex”
Dominic Shiels, William W. Brennessel, Matthew R. Crawley and Ellen M. Matson
Chemical Communications
“Ultra-selective 1D clean in-phase correlation spectroscopy””
Daniel A. Taylor, Peter Kiraly, Paul Bowyer, Mathias Nilsson, Laura Castañar, Gareth A. Morris and Ralph W. Adams
Electrochimica Acta
“Self-assembled aminothiols: Platforms for ultra-sensitive electrochemical detection of triclosan via surface azo coupling”
Amrita Singh, Inderpreet Kaur
“J-modulated 19F- and 1H-detected dual-optimized inverted 1JCC 1,n-ADEQUATE: A universal ADEQUATE experiment”
Ronald C. Crouch, Marius Pelmuş, Jeffrey G. Raab, Evgeny Tischenko, Michael Frey, Yunyi Wang, Mikhail Reibarkh, R. Thomas Williamson, Gary E. Martin
“19F-detected dual-optimized inverted 1JCC 1,n-ADEQUATE”
Ronald C. Crouch, Jeffrey G. Raab, Marius Pelmuş, Evgeny Tischenko, Michael Frey, Alexei V. Buevich, Mikhail Reibarkh, R. Thomas Williamson, Gary E. Martin