JASON in Publications

Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling

“From NMR to AI: Do We Need 1H NMR Experimental Spectra to Obtain High-Quality logD Prediction Models?”

 Arkadiusz Leniak, Wojciech Pietruś, Aleksandra Świderska, Rafał Kurczab

Chemical Science

“Leveraging a reduced polyoxomolybdate-alkoxide cluster for the formation of a stable U(v) sandwich complex”

Dominic Shiels,   William W. Brennessel,   Matthew R. Crawley   and  Ellen M. Matson

Chemical Communications

“Ultra-selective 1D clean in-phase correlation spectroscopy””

Daniel A. Taylor,  Peter Kiraly,  Paul Bowyer,   Mathias Nilsson,  Laura Castañar,    Gareth A. Morris  and  Ralph W. Adams

Electrochimica Acta

“Self-assembled aminothiols: Platforms for ultra-sensitive electrochemical detection of triclosan via surface azo coupling”

Amrita Singh, Inderpreet Kaur


“J-modulated 19F- and 1H-detected dual-optimized inverted 1JCC 1,n-ADEQUATE: A universal ADEQUATE experiment”

Ronald C. Crouch, Marius Pelmuş, Jeffrey G. Raab, Evgeny Tischenko, Michael Frey, Yunyi Wang, Mikhail Reibarkh, R. Thomas Williamson, Gary E. Martin


“19F-detected dual-optimized inverted 1JCC 1,n-ADEQUATE”

Ronald C. Crouch, Jeffrey G. Raab, Marius Pelmuş, Evgeny Tischenko, Michael Frey, Alexei V. Buevich, Mikhail Reibarkh, R. Thomas Williamson, Gary E. Martin

Applied materials today

“Nanoconfinement of tetraphenylethylene in zeolitic metal-organic framework for turn-on mechanofluorochromic stress sensing”

Yang Zhang, Tao Xiong, Annika F. Möslein, Samraj Mollick, Vishal Kachwal, Arun Singh Babal, Nader Amin, Jin-Chong Tan