Our molecule engine got a boost: now you can add/remove explicit hydrogens, convert flat 2D molecules to 3D, create molecules from SMILES and InChI representations, load ChemDraw files and more.
We continue to work on arrayed spectra and improved conversion of a series of 1D spectra to a pseudo-2D dataset. Now users can explicitly specify the array type associated with the pseudo-2D dataset. With this functionality it’s possible to apply JASON’s sophisticated pseudo-2D analysis tools for more datasets, including reaction monitoring and some data formats where pseudo-2D is not supported.
We improved and introduced more state-of-the-art NMR processing functionality. 2D covariance, for example, helps to extract chemical information from 2D NMR spectra.
SMILEQ has got a frequently requested feature: now it’s possible to analyze spectra of chemical mixtures using the same intuitive qNMR tools in SMILEQ.
More functionality was introduced to support the fast-growing applications of JASON automation with BeautifulJASON and beyond.
GUI and innovative canvas got further improvements that makes it even more user-friendly!
As always, we made a few “under the bonnet” improvements for usability and performance and destroyed a few nasty bugs.
See what JASON version 5.0 can do for you.
Significantly improved conversion of a series of 1D spectra to a pseudo-2D dataset. Now users can explicitly specify the array type associated with the pseudo-2D dataset.
Improved solvent simulation lineshape
NMR Processing:
A new processing function to do 2D direct or indirect covariance
A new processing to handle DC for FIDs. That improved the central-frequency artifact handling on some old datasets.
A new parameter to phase processing to make it reset all other parameter values from “raw data” import procedure. That improves practical use of saved processing templates with rules
New domain type for NUS which makes the NUS data representation and processing more straightforward.
Apodization and zerofill can be applied in any order, not enforcing their default priority
Pure shift data processing with Flatten function extended to support semi-real-time experiments
JEOL Delta processing list can be imported using CLI
NMR Assignment:
Selecting an atom in a structure shows prediction in a 2D
File Import:
New sections for Bruker dataset information in Parameters. It opens a way to create more informative spectrum titles.
Now crystal structures are loaded with automatic detection of correct bonds type (single, double, etc.)
We have integrated RDKit libraries to JASON.
3D viewer converts flat 2D molecules from JASON drawing to realistic 3D molecules.
Molecules can be created from SMILES,SMARTS and InChI strings.
You can copy molecules from external chemical drawing tools and paste them to JASON
It’s possible to add/remove explicit hydrogens from structures
ChemDraw CDXML files can be loaded to JASON.
Canvas and GUI:
It’s possible to insert an empty row of pages on the canvas
Improved table placement next to the spectrum (e.g., when peak, integrals tables are created).
The context toolbar can be completely deactivated.
Tilted “trace stack view”: reset and zoom are improved significantly
Further small improvement in drawing quality of 1D spectra
More intuitive “Edit Links” functionality. We streamlined what happens with links of complex linked networks in a few tricky cases
Pasting text to JASON creates a text item on the canvas