List of new features in JASON 4.1
With this release JASON supports “dark theme” on both Windows and macOS. Simply switch your OS to dark mode and JASON will turn dark!
We made a number of improvements to spectra drawing quality and their output to vector-graphics and bitmaps. Also, we made 2D contour plots more responsive on macOS. We also speed up the NUS processing on macOS.
Pulse sequences can be displayed together with the NMR parameters, if stored with vendor in vendor files.
ZIP archive can be simply dragged and dropped to JASON. JASON will automatically extract all files that it can open!
Atoms in the molecules can have custom labels. This way the atoms can be “renumbered” or marked as needed.
We made SMILEQ even faster and added a Report Editor.
As usual, we made a few “under the bonnet” improvements for usability and performance and destroyed a few nasty bugs.
See what the new JASON 4.1 version can do for you.
GUI and canvas:
Support of the dark GUI theme
When resizing or moving items on the canvas, it “snaps” to the edges of the page or relatively to the edges of other items on the same page. This makes it easier to place multiple items on the same page. Keep “CTRL” pressed for free placement.
“Peaks” and “Integrals” tables are created at the bottom of the page, below the NMR spectrum
A spectrum could be deleted from a multispectrum stack
Improved copying of the table to system clipboard
Improved “About” dialog.
“Read-only” rules
Non-printable object borders
NMR visualization:
Homonuclear NMR spectra (like COSY) has two positions on proton spectra. Now both positions are shown on a linked 1D 1H spectrum. The position from the indirect dimension is shown as a dotted line
Improved spectrum drawing quality for 1D spectra. Improved SVG and PDF outputs of 1D and contour plot 2D spectra using polylines. That helps to prepare high-quality figures for publications.
Faster 2D contours calculations on macOS
Possibility to hide multiplet markers
Pulse sequences are stored with NMR parameters
NMR Processing:
Faster NUS on macOS
External command example script for editing referencing related jason_parameters (frequency, SW and ref values)
NMR Analysis:
2D NMR manual assignment and assignment preview
Improved solvent recognition
qNMR reference added to integral and peak classification
Chemical shift reference marked when set from a peak
File Import:
.zip archives can be opened directly in JASON
Support of custom atom labelling and main atom labels editing functionality. For example, the atoms can be renumbered using this functionality. Simply hover over the atom and type a new label on the keyboard.
Both 13C and 1H chemical shifts can be shown on an atom
Improvements in NMR autoassignments
Licensing: hosted floating licenses
Improved pinning annotations on multispectrum displays.
Annotations can be rotated
Improved speed
A new UI for creating a SMILEQ report