JASON gets a refresh!
The updated GUI library. The new Qt6 delivers a number “under-the-hood” improvements including better support for UHD screens, better performance, stability and security. Migrating to the new version will ensure JASON stays up to date with modern software standards and will be able to support new standards and platforms of the future.
A new dimension for JASON with support for 3D NMR data.
Now JASON can work with simple 3D data!
Load Bruker and JEOL 3D processed data
Load and process raw JEOL 3D data (e.g. 3D HNCA)
Users can visualize 3D datasets plane by plane in the selected plane orientation
Most of the essential processing functions support 3D NMR processing
Delta6 version of real-time pure shift HSQC experiment (pureshift_2dacq_ghsqcad.jxp) is supported
With plenty more to come in future releases, this is a feature worth keeping an eye on!
Automate your workflow with JASON Rules.
Experience seamless automation with JASON’s Rules feature. This feature allows you to create personalized rules for processing, analyzing, and laying out your spectra, making your work more efficient and consistent.
Processing Rules: As soon as you import an NMR spectral dataset, a user-defined processing rule refines your data. In the absence of a specific rule, JASON applies a standard procedure.
Analysis Rules: Following processing, your custom analysis rule takes over, automating the next steps based on your preferences. Peak picking, integration or multiplet analysis are the examples of analysis you can use.
Layout Rules: Finally, your layout rule sets the presentation style of your spectrum, ensuring it matches your reporting standards. Other related objects: tables, multiplet reports or your company logo can be created and added automatically too!
Rule Libraries. JASON introduces the concept of Rule Libraries. Users can curate and switch between various rule libraries from the GUI, enabling an extra layer of customization. JASON operates with the current rule library selected in the GUI. For example, you can set different sets of rules for your spectra per each project in your lab.
Command-Line Control. For our advanced users, command-line control is available, giving you the power to turn the Rules feature on or off quickly and specify the rule library either by name or by file path. This enables you to use the power of the JASON rules in automation.
Introducing the solvent data table Editor.
Users can add or modify solvent data, including chemical shift and multiplicity information. New solvents can be added. User-defined data is used in automatic solvent recognition and other operations where solvent data is important.
Other notable improvements
GUI improvements
Improvements for “Copy special” for peaks/integrals/multiplets. Better copy/paste of complicated multiplets.
Interactive baseline correction mode on pseudo2D data, using temporary extraction of a trace. During interactive mode the user can change the trace number to be used and can define points using the same tools as with 1D data.
It’s possible to edit individual titles in a stack of NMR spectra.
Option to display square 2D NMR spectra. This is another option in addition to the existing “keep aspect ratio”. We were asked to introduce it for better visualization of homonuclear, COSY-like NMR spectra which are easier to handle when they are represented as a perfect square.
Integrals labels for overlapped integrals are separated on the screen. It makes it easier to see and select by clicking on them
Improvements to annotations. Annotations could be copied/pasted. “Line” now called “arrows” and have arrow sign by default. We were asked for this as it’s more common to use arrows for annotations. Ctrl dragging an annotation duplicates it. Ability to select and align multiple annotations at once.
High-definition PDF output for JASON tables
Option to print and pass to PDF only selected pages.
Intensity (Y-scale) of individual NMR spectra in a stack could be controlled by SHIFT+mouse wheel
Autoupdate” is the default option for installed plugins. This should help to update all parts of JASON easily.
Improvements for qNMR and in SMILEQ plugin:
SMILEQ uses default mapping of the qNMR parameters from the experimental datasets.
Report statistical errors for integrals in integral/multiplet table
Easier handling of integrals with various automatic baseline settings
Better support of vendor file formats:
Improved interpretation of spinrate and temperature parameters from JEOL_Delta .jdf files
Automatically recognize add “Shearing” to the processing list for the relevant MQMAS and 2D-PASS solid-state experiments.
Better saving to JEOL JDF format
Improved recognition of spectral width in some specific cases of Bruker spectra
Load processed Bruker 2D data stored non-sequentially in submatrices
Improvements for charts:
Error bars can be set and displayed.
Chart fit default color is the same as the series it was created from. That helps to visualize multiple datasets with fits on the same plot
Global settings for charts in the Settings dialog
More settings, like axis and legend visibility, grid lenes, etc.
Improved and faster NMR simulations and its GUI. JASON is able to simulate bigger spin systems.
As always, more improvements for NMR processing:
Zero filling can be set as either multiplier or up to an exact number of points with optionally round to the next power of two. The maximum number of points is 230
Shrink processing when used in frequency domain retains original spectrum reference of peaks.
JASON joins Star Wars funs in celebration of 4th of May!