Powerful scientific tool and automation framework

Your data belongs to you
At JASON we are committed to ensure your data is not locked away from you behind proprietary formats and closed access. BeautifulJASON is able to easily access any information from JASON document in Python-friendly way. For example, you can access your NMR spectrum as a NumPy arrays and matrices.
The power of JASON at your fingertips
Want to find peaks, do multiplet analysis or create a stunning report from your data? BeautifulJASON can call JASON functionality from your Python code [i]. JASON will work for you as a backend engine without opening any windows.

[i] A valid JASON license is required.
You even don’t need JASON to use it!
We understand how important to access your data even when you cannot use JASON. The open-standard HDF5 format and simplified data access in BeautifulJASON will allow you to do so! You can use BeautifulJASON even on platforms, which JASON currently doesn’t support[ii]
[ii] Only data access is supported. A valid license is required to use JASON analysis tools.

It’s free and open-source
You can set BeautifulJASON up as easy as any other Python package through the ‘pip install beautifuljason’ command line and start using it for free straightaway[iii]
[iii] “For profit” distribution of the derived product can be restricted. See JASON EULA.