Welcome to JASON 5.0 in 2025!


As we start 2025, we’ve brought a new version of JASON with a new version numbering system. There are no changes to the quality or quantity of releases throughout the year. Here’s an explainer:



JASON version 5.0 comes with a boost to the molecule engine! Now you can add/remove explicit hydrogens in a molecule, convert flat 2D molecules to 3D, create molecules from SMILES and InChI representations, load ChemDraw files and more. Check out our linked videos and see how to do this for yourself.


2D and Processing:

We have made improvements for 2D and Pseudo 2D in this version. Improved and newly introduced more state-of-the-art NMR processing functionality arrives in JASON version 5.0. For example, 2D direct or indirect covariance processing which helps extract chemical information from 2D NMR spectra. You can see an example of this below:

We have added a new domain type for NUS data to make the NUS data representation and processing more straightforward, and improved pure shift NMR data processing with an extension of the Flatten function to support semi-real-time experiments. From version 5.0, the Apodization and zerofill processing items can be applied in any order, not enforcing their default priority.

Is there a feature you would like to see in JASON that isn’t here yet? Did you know that you can make a request through our website? Click  here and submit your own request.


Mixture analysis has been one of our most requested features for our SMILEQ plugin for qNMR. But fear not, the wait is over and the latest version of SMILEQ for JASON 5.0 comes with mixture analysis:


Canvas and GUI:

If you have ever filled your JASON canvas with your work and then thought “I just want to add one more spectrum right at the top of the canvas” then JASON 5.0 is for you! We’ve introduced the ability to insert an empty row of pages on the canvas!

We have tweaked the default placement of table items next to the spectrum for a better visual flow, now, the peak and multiplet/integral tables are created underneath the spectrum allowing better visibility of all the information in these important tables.

If you are a user who mainly navigates the canvas using the keyboard shortcuts rather than your mouse, you can now completely deactivate the context toolbar. Check out the available keyboard shortcuts in the handy PDF download.

There are also improvements for pasting text into JASON which now automatically creates the text item saving you time in your workflow and some editing links of linked items has been made more intuitive.


Try it now

We hope that you enjoy using JASON 5.0 and look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions for what you would like us to introduce in future JASON versions. Remember, there is a new Features Major Version released every 3 months, so you might not have long to wait to see your feature implemented!